Peter Winklbauer | 74

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Peter Winklbauer, 74, of 618 Virginia Road, St. Marys, passed away unexpectedly Monday, June 10, 2024 at his residence.
He was born May 22, 1950, in Altoona, PA, son of the late John P. and Joan Healy Winklbauer. Pete was a graduate of Bishop Guilfoyle High School, Class of 1969 and continued his education at Mercyhurst College, graduating in 1973. Upon graduation with a BFA, he accepted a teaching position at Elk County Christian High School, where he remained until his retirement.
On June 14, 1975 in the Sacred Heart Church, Pete married the love of his life, the late Karen M. Ryan, who preceded him in death on April 6, 2021, to whom he was married for forty-nine years.
Pete is survived by two sisters: Lee Ann Burkhart (Thomas) of Shavertown, PA and Lisa Hummel (Anthony) of Dover, DE; a brother, David Winklbauer (Patricia) of Evans, CO; sister-in-law, Cindy Ryan Burke of Archbald, PA; brother-in-law, Daniel Ryan (Meg) of Newbern, NC; several nieces and nephews, whom he loved dearly; and countless friends.
In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, John “Jeff” Winklbauer.
Pete’s life is a testament to how one life and what happens to an individual can impact the lives of many. As a young boy, Pete had a congenital hip defect and his mother thought art lessons would be a way Pete could pass the time. From this experience emerged a man who would go on to become an accomplished artist, creating over 3000 paintings throughout his career. Pete was known not only locally for his talent, but nationally and internationally, in as many as eleven countries. However, Pete’s skills as an artist, specifically a watercolorist, are only shadowed by his talent as a teacher and as a person.
Over his forty-eight years at ECCHS, Pete taught more than 8000 students, with thirty-one students becoming art teachers themselves and countless others going on to work in some aspect of the art field. In January 2020, Pete assisted Jesse Gradl with the opening of “Gallery 29”, with Gradl being the twenty-ninth student of Pete’s to pursue a career in teaching art. But his true testament as an educator are the thousands of students with limited art experience who would find refuge, understanding, belonging, and a new sense of self by being in his class. It is safe to say that anyone who took an art class with Mr. Winklbauer either during school, on Saturday mornings or other class, owe a small piece of who they are to him, be it artistic talent or a sense of confidence. Pete was a man who could help people find the best in themselves.
This ability to connect with people was a big part of who Pete was. If you encountered Pete in a store, on the sidewalk, or at a specific gathering, Pete’s smile, the sparkle in his eye, and the way his voice exuded genuine joy as he acknowledged you, usually by your last name or some variation he created for you. He made you feel welcomed and important. Pete was always interested in what you were doing and was always willing to help in any way he could.
Pete rarely said no when asked to do something regardless of what was already on his plate. He performed many acts of kindness for the people of St. Marys and Elk County Catholic, whether it was framing pictures, photos, or works of art, or lettering athletic certificates or award certificates from local service clubs. Pete lettered various sporting balls marking milestones for coaches and athletes. He also coached high school basketball at Elk County Catholic as well as the eighth grade team in the Cavalier Basketball program. In 2020, Pete received the Elk County Catholic Athletic Association Booster Award for his volunteer work given to the student athletes of Elk County Catholic. He served as the Art Director for all of the annual musicals at ECC, working tirelessly on the backdrops and scenery for the plays. Pete donated countless paintings to local organizations to be auctioned off as fundraisers. He restored religious statues and paintings that people would bring him. If there was a way he could help, Pete would find it.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held in the Sacred Heart Church on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM with the Rev. Thomas Curry, OSB, Pastor, celebrating. Burial will follow in the St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery.
Visitation will be held in the Lynch-Radkowski Funeral home on Friday, June 21, 2024 from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM.
Over fifty years ago, when Pete accepted a job at ECCHS, little did the community know the profound influence he would have on St. Marys and the surrounding area. He will be missed by many. To continue his legacy, memorial donations, if desired, may be made to Gallery 29, 50 South St. Marys Street, St. Marys, PA 15857.

Sister Ann and I talked a lot about the Healys. We love all of you. I am sure Joan will be so happy to see her son and his wonderful father too. I am holding a candle today at 11:30 at St Bernards in Mt Lebanon as I live in Scott Twp.
I have a picture he did of 2 Catholic uniformed girls walking up the walkway to the Benedictine Convent. I got it from my sister and I love it! I will always treasure it. I will always remember him.
Pete was not only an outstanding teacher, mentor,and gifted artist but mostly a great friend and an inspiration to others. He showed compassion and true friendship to all he met. He will be sorely missed. Rest easy Pete, you were loved my many.
The obituary is a beautiful tribute to Pete! I took as many art classes as possible in my 4 years at ECC, culminating with my best friend and I painting the walls of various classrooms and the cafeteria the summer of our senior year. Pete brought learning and creating artwork alive for every student who walked through his door. His kindness, humor, generosity, patience, acceptance and encouragement were extraordinary.
I had the privilege of having Pete for an art teacher during my high school years. Later on in life I asked him to paint my sister’s gorgeous house when she lived in New Jersey as a Christmas present for her. He did a beautiful job and I’m sure when she looks at it now she’ll remember him fondly. To all of Pete’s family, you’re all in my thoughts and prayers.
Rest in Peace Peter … God Bless
I had the privilege of growing up and going to Parochial Grade School and High School with Pete and his brother Dave. Dave was a star studded linebacker and best blocking offensive lineman at Bishop Guilfoyle High School; Pete was an AWESOME baseball player and had a great arm – he could throw that ball a mile! Pete also played basketball – ran the court well and could shoot the eyes out of the basket. His determination, grit and competitiveness was an inspiration. My heartfelt condolences go out to Dave, Lisa and LeeAnn, to the Winklbauer family and to all of Pete’s Family, Friends, former students and loved ones. God Bless ALL as they mourn the loss of Pete, but remember the good times that they all shared. May flights of Angels carry him home.
My art classes with Mr. Winklbauer are some of my happiest memories from childhood. Though I am not an artist now, I paint from time to time and can’t do it without a smile on my face, thinking of him.
LeeAnn, I wanted to send condolences in remembrance of your brother. Pete was my high school art teacher, my sister’s neighbor, and a steadfast friend. I always checked in with him when I was in town. Although I only taught art for a couple of years out of college before moving on to design, he always had a special place in his heart for those he taught who went on to be art teachers. Every time I saw him he would tell me the current number of old students who were art teachers to date.
The last time I saw him was 7 years ago when my mom died. He knew her, and wanted to drop in, so he came over to sit around the kitchen table. I had let my hair grey since last time home, and after we had all been visiting for about a half hour, he said, “Where’s Sally?” “Pete!”I said. Omg, we laughed so hard!
I was lucky enough through YPWC in the 1970s to go on the KY mission with you, LeeAnn, so I was one of the lucky ones who got a double dip of the Winklbauers! If you two are like the rest, I wish I’d known all of you!
God bless you and bring you and your extended family peace as you grieve your loss. We’ve lost one of the good ones this week. How few of us are talented and dedicated enough to leave a legacy like Pete has? Godspeed to our talented friend.